Italy TravelThe Right Time to Go to Milan!

The Right Time to Go to Milan!
Published on Wednesday, May 2, 2012 by

If you are on your trip to Italy, then make sure you have Milan in your “to-visit” list. This city, which is amongst the widely preferred Italy travel destinations, carries the true Italian spirit with a fusion of fashion and modernity.  Though, it can be visited throughout the year, there are certain special occasions when Milan will unveil its exotic beauty and culture.

The best time to travel to Milan is during the months of June and September. Despite the summer being hot and humid in Milan, tourists throng the city for sightseeing and shopping. However, the intensity of summer becomes so intolerable past August that even locals go out for vacation to escape the heat. So, if you are planning for a visit to Milan, make sure your trip falls around early summer, autumn, or spring to enjoy the beauty of this lovely city to the fullest.

Christmas is one amongst the widely celebrated festivals in Milan. With dazzling lights and Christmas decorations adorning the streets, Milan becomes exceptionally magical. The markets will be flooded with trendy and amazing stuff, making Milan the ideal destination for shopaholics. The Feast of Sant’ Ambrogio, which falls on the 7th of December, is also celebrated with much pomp and gaiety.

If you are more of a fashionista, then Milan is where you belong! The city plays host for a number of eye-catching exhibitions and fashion shows throughout the year. Here, you get to see some the world-famous fashion designers displaying their creations.

Milan is also famous for its tourist attractions. Your travel to Milan will almost be incomplete if you fail to visit the historical monuments and museums of this wonderful city. The art galleries here exhibit some of the finest collections of Italian paintings that make a fantastic treat for the eyes. The city also boasts of some of the oldest cathedrals in Europe.

To know more about Italy tourist attractions, log on to The site provides some of the best Italy travel tips that might come handy while you are on your trip.

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