Italy Travel5 Ways To Enjoy The Italian Riviera and Lake Como

5 Ways To Enjoy The Italian Riviera and Lake Como
Published on Tuesday, February 18, 2014 by

Ready to travel to Italy but you’re seeking peace and serenity instead of crowded cultural attractions? R&R, Italian-style can be yours on the stunning Italian Riviera and Lake Como in northern Italy. I’ve made a list of 5 incredible experiences you can have in this special corner of Italia:

1. Stroll by the water and take in magnificent views. Whether you’re strolling the tiny seaside treasure of Santa Margherita Ligure, hiking the Cinque Terre or ambling along the shore of Lake Como, you’ll feel the magic of Italy’s water views.

2. Go under the sea. Looking for a little more adventure? Did you know the water off of Cinque Terre and Portofino has some of the best snorkeling and scuba diving (on World War II ship wrecks!) in the Mediterranean?

3. Tour by boat. Whether you sail off the coast of the Cinque Terre or take a small power boat across Lake Como, there’s no better way to see this area.

4. Dine on fresh local specialties. The region of Liguria is the birthplace of pesto. Plus sample succulent seafood, fresh from the ocean or lake.

5. Do nothing! What a concept for the modern age. Heard the Italian phrase “dolce far niente“? It literally means, the sweetness of doing nothing.

If you’re interested in visiting this beautiful area, check out the 8-day Italian Riviera and Lake Como package I’ve put together – it includes airfare from New York to Milan!

Photo by monsieurlementhe,

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